Glenbrook Cocker Spaniels

Diet and Feeding

Featuring Ch. Glenbrook The Great Gatsby

 All meals/drinks must be given either luke warm or at room temperature and all feeding times should remain consistent.  Puppies must consume only good quality puppy food and low lactose puppy milk. Do not feed adult dog food or cow’s milk. Adult dog food is not suitable and does not contain the necessary calcium etc. With  breakfast  and dinner meals, our puppies also have a puppy milk drink prior to going to bed at night.


Our puppies have always only ever consumed good quality and fresh meat, chicken, vegetables etc in addition to good quality commercial puppy dry food and only in moderate portions. I am not a fan of many of the commercial foods on the market for adult dogs as they contain a number of colour additives and preservatives. The good quality commercial puppy foods are well balanced and offer good levels of calcium and other essential ingredients for growing puppies. Take care that any fresh beef or chicken does not contain preservatives and is always fresh.


The overall health and condition and critical growing and development needs of your puppy is fully dependant on what he/she is consuming and is very important.  I recommend splitting the feeding up to four times a day when less than 16 weeks of age as it is difficult for them to eat enough in one feed to get all the energy they need for the day. By 6 months reduce the frequency to twice a day and then by 12 months into adulthood, once or twice a day.  Puppies need more protein than adults to provide sufficient amino acids for growth and extra minerals for healthy bones and teeth.


Puppies must always have fresh water available (day and night). This must be contained in a non slip/ spillible and easily accessed drinking bowl and must be checked and changed/cleaned once/twice daily. When feeding your older puppy / dog I recommend a ‘snood’ to protect your cocker’s ears. We will provide each new family with a snood as part of their puppy pack.  


Diet and Maintenance list
Feeding Guide

8 to 16 weeks - 3 meals a day    

Advance Puppy Plus Chicken and Rice dry food.

1/3 cup with 1/3 cup mince meat (no preservatives) or alternatively use ECOPET chicken and vegetable roll or sardines in oil or cooked and shredded chicken breast.

Lunch - Advance 1/3 cup, 1/3 cup mince

Dinner - Advance 1/3 cup, 1 teaspoon of Natural Yoghurt mixed with 1/3 cup mince meat.

3 to 6 months - 2 or 3  meals a day

Breakfast - Dry food 1/2 cup, mince meat.

Lunch - Dry food 1/2 cup.

Dinner -  Dry food 1/2 cup, mince meat (no preservatives) with a serve  of Natural Yoghurt.

6 to 12 months - 1 meal a day

Breakfast - Charcoal bone.

Dinner - Dry food 1 cup, mince meat 1 cup with Omega Oil.

Optional extras:

Chicken necks and wing tips – must be raw.

Pulverised cooked vegetables and rice – replaces a complete meal.

Brisket bones to chew on for cleaner teeth. 

A raw carrot cut in to chunks.

NOTE: The dry food should form the bulk (75%) of the diet until they are 12 months old. The basic diet, is balanced and quite suitable for a puppy until 12 months old. After that you can feed what you feel is best for you.

For variety consider:

Chicken wing tips - They provide good chewing material for teeth, plus a natural form of calcium.

Yoghurt for calcium and good digestion.

Fish for essential omega oil - use tinned fish such as Sardines.

Charcoal bones from a pet shop aides digestion and helps clean teeth.

Coconut oil - 1 tsp with each meal for a glossy coat.

Omega Oil - for health and wellbeing


 Glenbrook Cockers    The Cocker Spaniel    Glenbrook    My Dogs 

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Contact Details
Janette Llewellyn
Safety Beach, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61409434996
Email : [email protected]


Web Graphics by Shawna

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies